Today Audrey would have been 7. She was such a huge impact on me personally and the family. She was the glue that held us together tightly. Since she has been gone that gap she has left has been so huge. We miss her smiles, her laugh, her need to always be touching someone, and her ability to be so happy even though she was going through so much. Baby girl taught us so much just wish there would have been time for some more lessons before she left.
I was driving to the airport about a month ago and a song about having 5 more minutes came on the radio. It totally broke me as my first thought was how would I spend 5 more minutes with my little girl. What would you do with those precious minutes. Would you talk, laugh, play or just have a long intense family hug. So many options but unfortunately we will never have that chance to find out. Do you have someone that when they are gone you are going to look back and say if I only had 5 more minutes. Or if I could have talked to them one last time., or I missed the chance to say sorry or give forgiveness. You have that 5 minutes today. You have that five minutes to put down your phone and play with your baby girl unlike me. So in honor of a sweet little girl that didn’t get to celebrate her birthday today go make that call. Go love on your babies. Do it now as later is never guaranteed.